Gossip & Rumors

The Bachelor franchise has given a platform to some truly horrendous personalities over the years. Luke Parker, “Queen” Victoria Larson, freakin’ Juan Pablo … the list goes on and on. But many viewers believe that current contestant Shanae Ankney has not only earned a place on the Mt. Rushmore of Bacholor Villains, she’s claimed her
For decades, Playboy deliberately cultivated the image of “sexual liberation,” though perhaps co-opted is the better term. Given that the brand was always about women on display for men’s enjoyment, many suspected that something wasn’t right with Hugh Hefner. Numerous women who were part of that world have described the Playboy Mansion as a gaslighting
If you’ve been anywhere near social media in the past few days, then you’re no doubt familiar with the latest controversy surrounding the wildly popular music streaming service Spotify. For months now, critics have been complaining about the content on the platform’s most popular podcast — which happens to also be the world’s most popular