Pop Culture

Things We Saw Today: Gwyneth Paltrow Agrees With Us on Her Ickiest Movie

Gwyneth Paltrow in goop labs for Netflix


Love it or hate it, we live in a goop world and that means the end of goop (yes, the g is lower case) content is nowhere in sight. Now, some of us here at TMS kinda loved the goop lab, but we get if you don’t agree with us, or Gwyneth on that. But what we can probably all agree with Gwyneth about is what her ickiest movie was.

In this new clip where Gwyneth and her assistant Kevin Keating (yes, the one she and goop sent to Jamaica to take magic mushrooms) take the BFF test and discuss how well Keating knows Paltrow. We get his thoughts on The Candle (Keating can’t confirm what it smells like) but they also get into what Paltrow’s least favorite role.

That’s right. Shallow Hal. That movie, where Paltrow played the beautiful thin goddess inside a fat woman, who only Jack Black’s titular Hal could see. The comedy seemed to be a movie about inner beauty … but it really was a body-shaming, icky mess that somehow still managed to make fat jokes aplenty despite its message. We agree, Gwyneth, that film was a disaster, and also a step back for body positivity in general.

In a way, that sort of segues into the rest of the little tete-a-tete, which tries to put some focus on Gwyneth and goop’s mission, which is, she claims, helping women to be their best selves and presenting information and such to help them do that. And that’s a pretty good explanation of the goop lab.

Some of the areas explored by the goop lab are pretty out there, like energy work or psychic mediums, and your mileage will certainly vary on what you believe or find useful there. But other topics, like the use of psychedelics in therapy or women learning to love their vulvas and enjoy better intimacy, are much more down to earth and actually, pretty important and interesting.

(via HuffPo)

Here are a few other, less goop-y things we say today.

  • Even the man of Steel is being careful about coronavirus as the premiere of Red Son is canceled. (via Comicbook.com)
  • Speaking of COVID-19, here’s a great thread of songs to sing while you wash your hands for 20 seconds!
  • In general, when it comes to this public health scare, listen to John Oliver and just … don’t be an idiot. (via Slate)
  • How about something less stressful than living in the first five minutes of a zombie movie? Politics! Our own Vivian Kane got to ask Elizabeth Warren some questions. (via The Pitch)
  • More Gina Torres? And vampires? We are there. (via TVLine)
  • If it’s all too stressful of course, you could always apply to leave the planet. (via CNN)
  • And if you need a map of the stars for your new digs, look over here. (via Space.com)
  • Love this: Harley Quinn’s journey away from the joker. (via SyfyWire Fangrrls)
  • RIP James Lipton.

What did you see today?

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