
‘God of War’ Receives PlayStation 5 Enhancement Update Today

If you’re wondering just when Sony will bring PS5 enhancements to God of War, you won’t have to wait long. Sony Santa Monica has announced that their hit return of Kratos is having its PS5 update released today!

The PS5 update takes the PlayStation 4 Pro version’s graphical options and merges the two into a unified version specifically optimized for the PS5. The update increases the game’s framerate to 60fps, as well as ups the resolution to 4K via a checkerboard resolution (2160p).

If, for some reason, you’d want to return to the original 30fps version, the update will allow you to do so by selecting “Original Performance Experience”. It will still maintain the 4K checkerboard resolution.

God of War is currently out now on PlayStation 4. The upcoming sequel, God of War: Ragnarok, is scheduled to be released in 2021 for the PlayStation 5.

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