
Seth Bogart and U.S. Girls Share New Video: Watch

Seth Bogart and U.S. Girls have shared the music video for “Boys Who Don’t Wanna Be Boys (U.S. Girls Live From the Peppermint Lounge Remix).” The visual, directed by Mariah Garnett, finds Bogart dancing with pink poodles. Watch below.

Seth Bogart said in a press release:

It was a dream to have U.S. Girls remix my song “Boys Who Don’t Wanna Be Boys.” I had no idea what she’d do but she sent back what you hear in the video and told me she imagined we were performing it live at an imaginary club called “Peppermint Lounge.” Unfortunately she’s in Canada so we couldn’t live out that fantasy for the video. Instead we made a dance video inspired heavily by the 1982 “You Gotta Problem” video by one of my dance idols Toni Basil. U.S. Girls shot her own footage in Canada. We worked with choreographer Ryan Walker Page and the video was directed by an artist and filmmaker I love Mariah Garnett.

The original “Boys Who Don’t Wanna Be Boys” is on Seth Bogart’s new record Seth Bogart Presents…Men on the Verge of Nothing. U.S. Girls’ remix is featured on the Boys Who Don’t Wanna Be Boys: The Remixes EP.

U.S. Girls’ latest album, Heavy Light, was released in March. They released an animated video for the track “And Yet It Moves / Y Se Mueve” in August.

Read Pitchfork’s Moodboard interview with U.S. Girls’ Meg Remy, “U.S. Girls on the Absurdist Meme, Anti-Colonial History, and Soul Records That Inspired Heavy Light.”

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