Celebrity Gossip

The Cast of Love Island Season 2 Is Making Us Wish We Were on a Dating Show in a Pandemic


Raise your hand if being on a dating show sounds kinda great right now. 

Instead of quarantining alone or with our families, we could be hanging out with a bunch of sexy singles. We could be swimming, or participating in dumb games requiring us to make out with someone, or crying under a poolside umbrella because our boyfriend of two days has moved onto someone else. Plus, we could be doing it safely and without fear of catching or spreading coronavirus due to a strict set of safety protocols, and we’d finally have a real reason to shave a leg or two. 

This is all to say we completely understand why the 11 men and women of Love Island season two signed up for this, but we asked them to explain it anyway. 

“I think that being on a show like this, especially during a pandemic, is one of the greatest ideas ever just because I have been in quarantine for so long,” Cely Vazquez told us. “I haven’t seen people. I haven’t gotten to meet new people, so I feel like this is the perfect thing for me especially, because I have a very extroverted personality and I need to be around a lot of people.”

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