The Jennifer Aniston Super Bowl commercial is already making the rounds!
Whether you’re a huge sports fan or have involuntarily learned about football thanks to Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce’s relationship, the Super Bowl is nearly upon us.
Even for people who won’t be watching, that means a host of big-budget commercials — each trying to outdo the rest.
One of them is hosting a nearly impossible Friends reunion.

Jennifer Aniston’s Super Bowl Commercial Is A Delight For ‘Friends’ Fans
Of course she does. But the Jennifer Aniston Super Bowl commercial that UberEats has whipped up, she’s drawing a blank.
Naturally, she receives an UberEats parcel with a line that outlines the vibe of the commercial: “Well, you know what they say: in order to remember something, you’ve gotta forget something else, make a little room.”
What she’s remembering is that the service delivers more than just food. What she’s forgetting … is David Schwimmer.

The joke here is that Jennifer Aniston (and a number of other famous actors on the commercial, which you can watch below) has forgotten a major portion of her life.
As David Schwimmer approaches her during the commercial, she doesn’t seem to recognize him. She even pulls back from an attempted hug.
“Have we met?” Aniston then asks him. “Give me a hint.”

Did Jennifer Aniston forget 10 years of her life? (No)
Like the rest of her Friends castmates (including the late Matthew Perry), Aniston spent a full decade of her life starring on that sitcom.
Aniston portrayed Rachel Green and David Schwimmer played Ross Gellar. They assumed these iconic roles from 1994 until 2004.
“We worked together for 10 years,” Schwimmer protests during the commercial. Aniston seems unconvinced.

“10 years? You were great,” Aniston says during the commercial, as if offering a compliment to cover for not remembering.
“You still don’t know, do you?” a dejected-sounding Schwimmer replies.
“I don’t,” Aniston then admits and turns away, adding: “Like I’d forget 10 years of my life.”

Not a Super Bowl tearjerker, but you might wince at this commercial
Part of the joke here is that busy actors who might have hundreds of costars in a year’s time do not always remember or recognize everyone. This can lead to many hurt feelings.
“I hate this town,” Schwimmer then grumbles.
The commercial is fairly cute. And, as we said, not solely about this Friends reunion.
The Superbowl is an annual celebration of football. At least in theory.
For many people, it’s a music performance with sports before and after. Others see it as a high-profile commercial showcase, with short commercial slots receiving the budget of a high-CGI TV pilot.
Oh, and there are usually sales on chips and stuff this time of year! If only there were some sort of service that could bring food to our homes. There might be, but I forget the name.

The Jennifer Aniston Superbowl commercial is already making the rounds. Uber Eats posted it to their YouTube channel on Tuesday.
YouTube has made it easier to see these high-profile ads, but also made it unnecessary to sit through the actual sporting event just to see the commercials.
Every year has some tearjerkers, controversies, and maybe even a flop. This Uber Eats one doesn’t fit the bill for any of those.