Pop Culture

White House Twitter Account Got Fantastically Petty Last Night

We’d already been enjoying seeing whiny critics of student debt relief get called out on Twitter yesterday for their hypocrisy, with people posting screengrabs of all the PPP loan money they’d had forgiven without complaint. But things got taken to a whole new level of schadenfreude when the official White House Twitter account got in on the action, calling out Republican lawmakers for doing the same thing.

For example, Marjorie Taylor Greene sure does have a lot of opinions about the “unfair” act of forgiving debts for someone who had $183,504 in PPP loans forgiven.

The same goes for Vern Buchanan, Markwayne Mullin, Kevin Hern, Mike Kelly, and—of course—Matt Gaetz. The White House account came for them all.

This is a low-key, fact-based but still entirely devastating dragging and people were extremely into it.

It appears the person behind the tweets is Megan Coyne, the White House’s brand new Deputy Director of Platforms. Before she took that role just this month, she was one of the architects of New Jersey’s famously hilarious Twitter account, which got launched into internet fame after replying to a rando’s snarky tweet (“Who let New Jersey have a Twitter?”) with the perfect response “your mom.”

Thank you, Megan Coyne, for continuing to do the important work out there.

(image: Bet_Noire/Getty Images)

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