If the point of the hit Netflix series Love is Blind is to find out whether love truly is blind, is the conclusion real if everyone involved is arguably attractive?
It’s a criticism the show’s creator and executive producer Chris Coelen has been thinking about. And he says there’s an explanation.
Initially, there were 30 people involved in the experiment — 15 men and 15 women — but only six couples were asked to stay. Coelen said the producers of the show asked those who didn’t seem to be forming genuine connections in the pods to leave, and those who remained just happened to be good-looking.
“We invited the people to stay who seemed to be forming those genuine connections,” Coelen said on Global News’ Wait, There’s More podcast on Friday after the finale dropped.
“And for whatever reason, the people that were genuinely connecting, they looked like they looked. And it was really interesting to me.”
Listen to the full interview with Coelen on today’s episode of Wait, There’s More. He breaks down exactly how the pod speed-dating system worked, whether or not the participants were required to give their final answers at the altar, and why he thinks so many women were interested in Barnett without ever seeing him.