
Rumors About a New Hatchet Movie IN CONTEXT

Earlier this month there was a minor buzz about what Danielle Harris had to tell fans of the Hatchet franchise. We’ve put her statement in the context of recent statements made by Hatchet creator, Adam Green.

Danielle Harris played Marybeth Dunstan in Hatchet 2 and Hatchet 3. She told audiences at Monster Mania 44 (October 2019) that there are plans for two more Hatchet films. (Quote via bloodydisgusting.com):

hatchet Danielle Harris bloody

“There’s supposed to be two more. I know the rumor Adam told me is they’re going to shoot them at the same time. I have not read a script or done anything, I just know that he always makes me do really stupid sh*t. And a lot of it. So hopefully I’m not going to be handcuffed an entire movie this time, or covered in… It’s completely insane, what he has me do. But I know there’s supposed to be two more, which is great.” – Danielle Harris

This is not the first rumor we’ve heard about this. The question is timing. A year ago Horror Channel UK talked to Adam Green, who reported that Victor Crowley will return in future Hatchet sequels, despite being literally ripped apart in Victor Crowley (2017). 

“A major reason why the Hatchet sequels have succeeded is that they were planned out from the very start. In the first film, I actually showed some of the weapons that Victor Crowley wouldn’t actually use until the later films and I held back crucial elements of his mythology to be revealed later on down the road. Of course, it was also a risky move given that there was no way of knowing if I’d ever get to make the sequels. Originally I had only planned for Hatchet to be a trilogy, but when I decided to bring ‘Victor Crowley’ back for more I planned out another complete roadmap for where it could all go. With the success of Victor Crowley it looks like I’ll once again be able to make the sequels I have planned. I’ve been able to stay in love with Victor Crowley because I only head back into his swamp when I’m ready to do so. Given that Hatchet is a cult franchise and not a studio property, my crew and I have always been able to make each film only when we want to. The “Hatchet Army” has always been willing to patiently wait until I’m ready. Not every filmmaker has such a luxury and I have never taken it for granted.” – Adam Green

Hatchet Victor Crowley overalls

Okay… So there are plans. Great. Ten years, Mr. Green? Twenty years? Earlier still (January 2018) Green took to reddit to say:

“If there is a HATCHET 5, Victor Crowley will be leaving the swamp… Can’t say anything more yet but I purposely brought him back in this new film in a way where the rules have slightly changed. We’ll see if we get to make a part 5 in a few years!” -Adam Green

That seems a slight contradiction to his statement to UK Horror Channel, where he indicated that whether he made anymore Hatchet movies was entirely in his power. Granted, I may be reading too much into a turn of phrase, or maybe funding was in question in January, but not in October of 2018. 

Put together, this tells us that people in the Hatchet franchise like to tease… And tease some more. Best guess: Another Hatchet movie will be out in three-five years.

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