
‘Final Summer’ – First Images and Poster Honor ‘Friday the 13th’ [Exclusive]

Popcorn Frights is roaring back with a vengeance for its eighth edition and yesterday the South Florida-based festival unveiled its first wave of films, which included the World Premiere of John Isberg‘s throwback slasher Final Summer.

In the film…

“It is late summer 1991 and the final day of summer camp at Camp Silverlake when tragedy strikes. That evening, as the counselors attempt to shut down the camp for the season, someone is waiting in the darkness to seek revenge on the unsuspecting camp. Who is the masked killer? Is it the camp urban legend? Or is it something more sinister? Not everything is what it seems at Camp Silverlake.”

Bloody Disgusting has an exclusive look at the first stills, revealing the Jason Voorhees-esque slasher who also appears on the awesome poster created by the great Creepy Duck Design.

John Isberg said in a statement: “I’m very excited to premiere Final Summer at Popcorn Frights Film Festival! The festival team have been really supportive and great to work with. After all the insanity of making an indie film during covid, all the battles and ups and downs, to be able to share it with such great people, awesome filmmakers and a solid community of horror fans is really special! I’m very grateful to the staff and honored to be included in the festival. It’s been a dream years in the making and I can’t wait to come down and celebrate with everyone, thank you!”

Final Summer‘s World Premiere is set for Saturday, August 13, 11 pm at Savor Cinema Fort Lauderdale. Tickets and festival badges are here.

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