Creators of a 1 Minute Horror anthology series named Axmo Deus. It recently got picked up on Alex Proya’s new streaming platform Vidiverse
What we wanted to do was take a stab at Black Mirror and then bridge it against the contemporary incarnation of The Twilight Zone with some good ol’ bloody horror. These bite-sized episodes are a peek into different worlds that challenge everything from restless spirits, angry children, hungry monsters, demons and serial killers, all in under one minute.
The idea began on the cusp of COVID 2020 when we lost work on the commercial front. We knew we could not remain complacent as the longer-form projects we had intended for were not going to happen at the level we needed, and as such, over the past two years, we found ourselves banding together over 150 collaborators and small businesses to bring these Shorts out on a monthly basis. As it stands, we have not missed a beat since October 2020.
You can find all the 1 minute episodes on the link below.