EXCLUSIVE: 7 Days, the romantic comedy from The Resident co-creator Roshan Sethi that stars Geraldine Viswanathan and Karan Soni, now has a release date and a trailer. Cinedigm, which acquired the pic in November after its premiere at the 2021 Tribeca Film Festival, will release it wide in theaters March 25.
The news comes as the rom-com is up for an Independent Spirit Award this weekend for Best First Feature.
Soni (Deadpool) and Viswanathan (Bad Education, Blockers) star in the film, which was co-written by Sethi and Soni, partners in real life. The plot revolves around a pair of Indian-American twentysomethings who find themselves bonding in unusual circumstances following a dud date set arranged by their conservative parents.
Zenobia Shroff, Aparna Nancherla, Gita Reddy and Mark Duplass also star. Liz Cardenas and Mel Eslyn are producers, with Jay and Mark Duplass, Soni, Sethi and Viswanathan executive producing. Maddie Buis is co-producer.
Check out the trailer above.
The Spirit Awards’ Best First Feature category also includes Nicole Riegel’s Holler, Nana Mensah’s Queen of Glory, Shatara Michelle Ford’s Test Pattern and Lyle Mitchell Corbine Jr’s Wild Indian.
The Spirits are Sunday at 2 p.m. PT at Barker Hanger in Santa Monica, airing on IFC.