Gossip & Rumors

Pete Davidson and Julia Fox: Did Kim and Kanye’s Significant Others Hook Up In the Past?

Folks, if you ever needed evidence that the celebrity dating pool is ridiculously small, look no further than this story:

As you’ve likely heard by now, Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson are dating.

The couple was secretive at first, but a few months into their relationship, it seems that “Kete” doesn’t care if the the whole world knows that they’re banging.

There was a time when Kanye West was trying to win Kim back, which must have been an annoying thing for a new couple to deal with.

Kim & Pete

Now, however, it seems that Kanye has entered a rebound fling of his own.

As we reported yesterday, it looks as though Kanye is dating Julia Fox, the actress best known for her memorable work in the popular 2019 film Uncut Gems.

West and Fox were spotted enjoying dinner together in Miami on New Year’s day, and they attended a performance of Slave Play in New York City on Tuesday.


“He was excited she was there, and they were fully going out after,” a source close to the situation tells People magazine.

“Julia stayed for the whole after talk,” the insider adds.

“She was very supportive and hung out and seemed very happy to be with him.”

So not necessarily a full-blown relationship, but clearly, these two are doing more than just hooking up.

Obviously, these two couples are linked by the Kimye connection, but it seems that there might be some additional overlap, as well.

As TMZ reported today, Pete and Julia have a past of their own:

The actress and the SNL star both appeared in a Paper magazine photo spread in 2019.

The shoot had Pete and Julia posing together as Barbie- and Ken-style dolls — often in sexually suggestive arrangements.

And interestingly, it seems that this was not their first interaction with one another.

Pete is friends with both the Safdie brothers — who directed Uncut Gems — and Sebastian Bear-McClard, who served as one of the film’s producers.

By 2019, Davidson was famous enough that he would have had some say in who would be modeling beside him for his Paper cover shoot, so there’s a very good chance that he had a role in selecting the gig for Julia.

Now, we’re not saying that all of that means Pete and Julia definitely slept together — but this is Pete Davidson we’re talking about here.

Dude seems to have Rasputin-like hypnotic powers over hot, famous women, and while Julia might not have been famous at the time, she certainly meets the other criteria.

As if this whole thing weren’t already incestuous enough, Bear-McClard is the husband of Emily Ratajkowski, who once posed nude with Kim.

And if you’re like most people, the first time you heard about Paper magazine was when Kim “broke the internet” by posing nude on the cover.

People like to say that Hollywood is like high school, and all the stars are just vying for a position at the cool kids’ table.

But we think the more accurate — and more depressing — assessment would be that life is one big popularity contest, and high school is just your first real exposure to it.

Either way, it’s always encouraging when an unassuming guy like Pete graduates from the stoners clique to the A-list!

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