Sci-fi thriller RISING WOLF, hitting theaters August 10th. Written & directed by Antaine Furlong with co-writer Kieron Holland, RISING WOLF follows a young woman who wakes up trapped & kidnapped in an elevator of a super high-rise building at the mercy of her tormentors.
Theatrical & VOD Release: August 10, 2021
Distribution Company: Samuel Goldwyn Films
Directed by: Antaine Furlong
Written by: Antaine Furlong, Kieron Holland
Starring: Charlotte Best, Jonny Pasvolsky, Alex Menglet, Susan Prior, Justin Stewart Cotta, Tahlia Sturzaker, Karelina Clarke
Produced by: Antaine Furlong, Kristy Vernon, James Vernon, Drew Bailey
Synopsis: A young environmentalist wakes, trapped, kidnapped in the elevator of a super high-rise building at the mercy of her tormentors.