
Sky Studios & Gaumont Team On Darts Comedy ‘The Wasp’ For Sky Deutschland

Sky Studios is teaming with French major Gaumont on comedy The Wasp, which is being produced for Sky Deutschland.

The six-part series tells the story of Eddie Frotzke, a fallen professional dart player who, after a prolonged career slump, wants to return to his former glory. With the help of his old buddy Nobbe, also a rusty dart pro but with a strong tendency to alcohol, Eddie wants to find his way back into life and his career, proving that he was not called ‘The Wasp’ for nothing.

Jan Berger (Der Medicus) create and wrote the series which will be directed Hermine Huntgeburth (Neue Vahr Süd). Florian Lukas (Good Bye Lenin!) is playing the lead role. Andreas Bareiss and Sabine de Mardt executive produce for Gaumont with Quirin Schmidt for Sky Studios.

Shooting is scheduled to begin later this year and the project is supported by the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW and the Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg.

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