
‘Buffy’ Alum Eliza Dushku Praises “Powerful, Painful” Claims By Charisma Carpenter Of Abuse By Joss Whedon

Yet another veteran of Buffy the Vampire Slayer has publicly offered support for Charisma Carpenter after her allegations yesterday of abuse and “misconduct” by Joss Whedon on the supernatural series.

Like Carpenter herself, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Michelle Trachtenberg and Amber Benson, Eliza Dushku took to social media today to tell her co-star “I admire, respect, and love you.” In her Instagram post, the actress who played Faith on Buffy and its Angel spinoff said that she found Carpenter’s tale of Whedon’s “casually cruel” conduct to be “powerful, painful, and painted a picture we’ll never collectively never un-see or un-know” – as you can see below.

CAA and other reps for Avengers director Whedon have said nothing about the claims by both Carpenter and Trachtenberg, who damningly alleged “not appropriate behavior” by the Buffy creator towards her when she was a “teenager” on the 1998 – 2003 running series.


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