Celebrity Gossip

Kate McKinnon Is All of Us Trying to Cope With This “Crazy Time” as She Cracks Up on SNL

Kate McKinnon had a hard time staying in character during Saturday Night Live on Oct. 10, and we really can’t blame her. In a “Weekend Update” segment with Colin Jost, McKinnon brought the “highly respected” and hilarious Dr. Wayne Wenowdis to life. As Jost asked the doctor questions related to President Donald Trump’s COVID-19 diagnosis, he responded with a variation of “we know this” — a not-so-subtle reference to Dr. Wenowdis’s last name.

Eventually, the joke got McKinnon and Jost to lose their sh*t live and start giggling. “Kate, Kate, are you OK?” Jost asked when she broke down laughing. “I’m obviously not,” she replied. “I’m sorry you guys. It’s such a crazy time and this is something I started doing to cope. . . . It’s refreshing to play a character who ‘know this.'”

“I know that it’s very stressful,” Jost told McKinnon. “I know this is very hard right now, and I know that a lot of people are being very resilient about it. I know, even though it doesn’t seem good, don’t worry. We can figure this out, we can do this.” Watch the full funny moment above.

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