Celebrity Justice, Music

Exclusive Interview with Beth Muecke

Thank you for doing our interview!  Tell our readers more about how you got started and where you are located!

I have lived in Houston since graduating from college. I have been very active in the philanthropic community for years. After I turned 51 and became a single empty-nester I decided I wanted to try something completely new. It’s a long story, but my love of fashion led me to start my own fashion/lifestyle blog. It has been the best thing ever as a creative outlet and for my own personal growth.

Do you believe in Goal Setting or taking it day by day? 

I believe in both. You have to make plans and set goals or nothing will get accomplished. Writing down your goals is a way to make your dreams tangible. But, I also believe in waking up every day and just appreciating that day. If you only think about the future, you will never be satisfied with the present.

What is your strategy for success? 

That’s easy. Do what YOU want to do. Be who YOU want to be. Manifest what makes you happy and not someone else.

Greatest achievement so far? 

Well, my two children for sure. They are both happy, productive adults. That’s a mother’s ultimate achievement.

Please share your INSTAGRAM link and photo  

Insta/Bethielife ~ FB/Beth Muecke

Press Inquiries:  bsquaredmgmt@gmail.com

End of Interview

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