
Grey’s Anatomy Boss Reveals Aborted Storylines Following Early Season 16 Finale

Grey’s Anatomy’s 16th season is over … a whole four episodes early. 

As previously reported, the hit ABC drama produced 21 of 25 episodes for the season following the coronavirus induced shutdown. 

Naturally, that meant some storylines were not completed. 

Speaking to Deadline, Grey’s showrunner Krista Vernoff has addressed some storylines that viewers did not get to see as a result of the impromptu finale. 

Fans would have been given a storyline that delved deeper into why Teddy cheated on Owen, as well as a storyline that would have revisited the human trafficking case that got DeLuca suspended. 

“We had an episode coming up where we were able to better articulate and better understand what’s prompting Teddy’s behaviour, and we don’t get to air it,” the showrunner told the outlet.

“Who knows, maybe it’s going to change between now and when we’ll actually shoot it for season 17, but I feel for Kim Raver.”

“The amount of standing is high, and we’ve left her in a strange place. It’s compelling… Why, when she was finally getting her happy ending, did she sabotage [the relationship]? I think it’s [a] super-rich area, personally.”

Fans were unimpressed with Teddy’s decisions throughout Grey’s Anatomy Season 16, and understandably so. 

Fans were led to believe that her getting together with Owen was her happy ending, and it could harken back to her previous relationships. 

As for the DeLuca, he was in a manic state more than once throughout the season, and while he was right about the human trafficking, nobody believed him. 

“The other story that I was really disappointed that we couldn’t complete… we did a story where there was a victim of human trafficking like two episodes ago, and DeLuca recognised it but he was in such a mentally compromised, manic state that nobody listened to him and the girl left,” Vernoff sad. 

“We had an episode where she comes back, and I am really sad that we can’t air that episode this season because it felt important to offer that kind of hope to people who are living that experience.”

“I may still complete that story next season.”

It was recently revealed that an explosion at the hospital would have paved the way for another big death had the series been able to complete production. 

It’s still unclear whether that storyline will be picked up on Grey’s Anatomy Season 17, which may well be the final season. 

Do you want these storylines to be folded into next season?

Hit the comments below. 

Remember you can watch Grey’s Anatomy online right here via TV Fanatic. 

Paul Dailly is the Associate Editor for TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter.

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