Pop Culture

Things We Saw Today: Kathryn Hahn Does Glengarry Glen Ross with American Girl Dolls

One of the silver linings of this poop storm of a pandemic is the creativity and ingenuity that folks are relying on to keep themselves entertained while under quarantine. Actor Kathryn Hahn (Mrs. Fletcher), her husband Ethan Sandler (Transparent) and their young daughter have been enjoying their stay at home time by performing scenes from David Mamet’s Glengarry Glen Ross with American Girl dolls.

The family filmed the scenes for the “Geffen Stayhouse” video series, which is currently available on the YouTube channel for the Geffen Playhouse, one of the premiere theaters in Los Angeles. Actors and friends of the theater have been performing songs and monologues from their homes while the theaters are closed during the pandemic.

Hahn, who is frequently the best part of any project she’s in, gives us a delightful take on the testosterone-fueled Mamet drama, made all the more hilarious by her daughter’s relentless cursing and impassioned delivery of the play’s iconic lines. I especially enjoyed Hahn’s doll throwing stuff off of her desk in anger.

Well done, Hahn-Sandler family! But what’s next? Miss Julie with Bratz Dolls? Angels in America with Christmas tree toppers? Waiting for Play-Doh? I now know what I’m doing with my kids as soon as they’re old enough.

(via The Wrap, image: screencap/Geffen Playhouse)

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