
The Bachelor Finale Part 2 Recap: That Actually Was the Most Dramatic Finale Ever

Chris Harrison earned his paycheck with truly one of the most dramatic season finales of The Bachelor ever as Peter Weber‘s season came to a close live on ABC. It was honestly one of the craziest, messiest reality TV moments I’ve ever seen, as a family tore itself apart for our entertainment. The Weber family will never be the same, nor will The Bachelor, after the invention of Barb Cam.

The episode began with Daddy Harrison setting it up one of the most dramatic, controversial, and surprising finales ever, and pointing out Women Tell All-skipper Kelley in the audience and mentioning ring-bearer Neil Lane was chilling backstage. Then he threw it back to Peter in the Australian outback.

Peter was suddenly no longer reeling from his breakup with Madi, and he was ready to propose to Hannah Ann. He was ready to propose to Madi the day before, but today he was ready to propose to Hannah Ann. He Facetimed Hannah Ann’s dad and got his blessing. He had a pear-shaped ring in his pocket and he was ready to go.

But Hannah Ann was conflicted. She wanted to hear Peter say “I love you,” but she was still hurting from Peter saying his heart was pulled in two directions. She said she was almost ready to “tap out.” She was done with the emotional UFC fight.

And she meant it. Chris Harrison came to Peter at the rose ceremony platform and told him that he just found out that Hannah Ann might not be coming. Peter hadn’t told her that Madison left, so she didn’t know. Good for her for standing up for herself, I say.

Peter almost passed out, and went inside to lay down, but then Hannah Ann decided she was in fact coming, so Peter bucked up and got back out there. In a voiceover, Hannah Ann said she couldn’t go through with it unless she knew she was the only one, as she stumbled through the outback in her high heels. They made her walk like a quarter of a mile! Give the girl some boots! Her little toes are gonna get bit by millions of bugs!

Peter told Hannah Ann that Madison left two days ago, and then went into a speech about how his heart chooses her forever. “I love you, Hannah Ann,” he said. He said it over and over. And then he got down on one knee and proposed. “I can’t believe you’re all mine,” she said. “I get to love you forever, this is amazing.” And then he gave her his final rose. She seemed surprised. And obviously, she’s gonna have some questions about what happened with Madi. Maybe not right at that moment, but there’s trouble ahead. And back in the studio, Chris Harrison hinted that all is not well with Hannah Ann and Peter.

Back in the past, Peter went home to Los Angeles about a week after the final rose ceremony and to tell his parents. His mother, of course, cried like Peter just got home from Iraq. She was so stressed out as Peter dragged out the delivery of the news, and then she screamed and cried when Peter told her he was engaged to Hannah Ann. “I can’t wait to see my daughter,” she said. Relax, Barb. They Facetimed Hannah Ann and Barb said “Hello, daughter!” Lady, Hannah Ann has only known you for like 15 minutes!

In the studio, Peter came out to talk about what happened. He shaved his beard! Chris Harrison asked him if he’d really moved on from Madison in time for his engagement, and he said that was what he struggled with. Uh oh and also uh, no doy. In case you weren’t sure how things were going, his parents’ faces said it all.

Back in the past, Hannah Ann came to visit Peter in Los Angeles for the first time. About a month had gone by, and the vibe was immediately off. Peter was clearly uncomfortable, and Hannah Ann said she knew things were going to get hard. They weren’t already? Peter started to cry, and said she had been a rock, and he felt sorry for putting her through this while he struggled with his feelings. Madi’s name wasn’t said, but it didn’t need to be. We knew what this was about. Hannah Ann said she wanted this to be a partnership, and she was willing to give him everything if he could meet her there. He couldn’t.

“You took away from me my first engagement,” she said. She got mad. She said he asked her to trust him, and he let her down. Poor girl. He really did let her down. And then he had to watch it happen again in front of a live studio audience that included his family and at least one of his other ex-girlfriends.

Hannah Ann went to cry in the bathroom, and Peter followed her there. She looked at him with hurt and disgust. She held up her ring and asked him why he couldn’t just let her go instead of taking the ring away from her. She said he wasn’t true to his word because he wasn’t honest with himself. “Torn and conflicted Peter,” she said mockingly. “I can’t even look at you anymore,” she said. “I’m just not someone who’s going to be true to their words, not be torn and conflicted 90 percent of the time.” She said she didn’t need anything more from him. He’d done enough damage. She gave him the ring and left. In the studio, Peter’s mom applauded Hannah Ann. He stopped her as she was leaving, and she told him off again. “I’ve been my own rock,” she said. “You don’t need to worry about me.” Honestly, she was so good in that moment that I’m surprised she’s not the Bachelorette. He kept trying to talk to her, and as she got into the SUV, she told him to stop.

In the studio, Peter was torn up. Chris Harrison asked him if it was his feelings about Madison that led to the breakup, and he said that was part of it, but not all of it. It was mostly that he couldn’t give her everything she needed. And then Chris Harrison said that after the break, Hannah Ann would come out and she and Peter would see each other for the first time since they broke up.

“Ladies and gentlemen, Hannah Ann,” Chris Harrison announced, and Peter’s mom applauded her. She was so unhappy with her ding-dong of a son.

Hannah Ann told Peter that words are powerful, and that he either doesn’t mean what he says or doesn’t understand the weight of his words. “So which is it?” she said, to applause. She said that he said that he wished they had met outside of reality TV, which she said was ridiculous. He said he wanted someone to give him 100 percent all-in love, and she gave it to him, but he couldn’t give it to her. She said she didn’t know what she was agreeing to when she accepted her proposal, and that he should have told her the full extent of his feelings for Madi. He said he knew he would have gotten over it a few months down the line, and he didn’t want to lose Hannah Ann, even though he wasn’t ready for engagement then. It was a flimsy justification, and Hannah Ann smacked it down. She said he should have been honest with her about everything he was feeling. He couldn’t argue with that, and said she was right.

Chris Harrison gave her the final word, and she took that as an opportunity to reveal that Peter had reached out to Hannah Brown to get closure on their relationship, so there were really three women in their engagement. Peter had no idea what he was doing the whole time, man. “If you want to be involved with a woman, you need to become a real man,” she said.

They came back from commercial break, and Peter had been crying. He said he would forever be sorry for what he’d done to Hannah Ann. He means it, but the damage is done.

Chris Harrison then threw to himself visiting Madison in Auburn to see what’s been going on with her since she left Australia, which Peter didn’t know about. She said she regretted what she did, and would do things differently if she could. Chris Harrison told her that Peter got engaged, but it didn’t work out, and Peter was once again single. She said she was sad and hoped he was okay, and Chris Harrison asked point-blank if she was still in love with Peter. She said she was confused. She asked what happened with Peter and Hannah Ann. “He ended his engagement because of his feelings for you,” Chris Harrison said. He said Peter’s dream would be to be with Madi. “I guess we’re going to LA,” she said. She was going to give it another shot. In the studio, Barb was stone-faced. She got a picture-in-picture through the whole thing. Barb Cam!

She pulled up in an SUV and surprised Peter at home. “What are you doing here?” he asked. “Can we talk?” she said. Barb spontaneously combusted with rage during the commercial break.

In the studio, Chris Harrison said that Peter was expecting him when Madison appeared. Then we saw their conversation. She said she knew what happened, and her feelings for Peter never went away. “I know that I still just have so much love in my heart for you,” she said.

“I made a million and one mistakes, but I know that I fell in love with you,” Peter said. He didn’t say he wanted to try a relationship again, though. “So what do we do?” he said. She didn’t answer, and then we went back to the studio.

Peter said he hasn’t seen Madi since that day, but he was still in love with her. His mother was so pissed.

Madison came out, and she said she loved Peter. The feelings never went away, but she had a lot to process, with her own breakup with Peter followed by Peter’s breakup with Hannah Ann. She felt like she needed to have another conversation, so they did. They’ve been talking a little bit since they reunited, so where are they now? Are they going to give this relationship a real shot?

Peter said they were going to take it one day at a time. Not a vote of confidence!

Chris Harrison asked Barb how she was doing. She said there was a lot that wasn’t shown last night. She said Hannah Ann embraced her with love. Madi, on the other hand, made them wait three hours to come in because she didn’t want to meet the Webers, and then when she finally came in said she wouldn’t accept a proposal in four days.

Reader, let me tell you, I had no idea what was happening. In all my years of watching The Bachelor, I’d never seen anything like this.

Are the producers trying to destroy the Weber family? What are they trying to make happen? Wha? Wha? Wha?

It was Madi’s turn to speak. “At the end of the day, it is what it is,” she said. She didn’t really say anything. She graciously declined to say anything negative about Peter’s family. She asked what Peter thought. He said they were concerned, but he understood. And he asked them to give Madi a chance, because he loved her.

Barb said she just wanted what was best for Peter, and Madi wasn’t willing to compromise. Peter gave his heart to two women, and only one gave her heart to him. Madi interrupted, and said it wasn’t just Peter’s journey, it was hers, too, and she was choosing Peter as much as he was choosing her.

Chris Harrison asked what Barb what she thought of that. “He’s going to have to fail to succeed,” she said. “Everyone who knows him knows it’s not going to work.” The crowd BOOED HER! This show is absolutely buck wild!

What does Peter’s dad think of all this? “I hate this whole situation,” he said. He doesn’t think the relationship is going to work. I think he’s probably right!

I can’t even process all my feelings about what transpired on this television show tonight. Tune in to A Beautiful Podcast to Fall in Love tomorrow when I’ve had some time to reassemble the pieces of my blown mind.

Then Clare Crawley, the next Bachelorette, came out, but who could focus on that? Not me. I just watched a young man’s mother declare war on the woman he loves.

Wow. To quote Hannah Ann Sluss, what a finasco.

The Bachelor: Listen to Your Heart premieres Monday, April 13 at 8/7c on ABC.

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