Gossip & Rumors

Camilla Parker Bowles to Meghan Markle: The Royals Are Better Off Without You!

It’s been three weeks since Meghan Markle and Prince Harry stepped down as senior members of the royal family.

Questions remain about what exactly prompted the duke and duchess of Sussex to make the decision, and at this point, it’s beginning to look like the mystery will never fully be solved.

Some say Meghan and Harry stepped down because of bad blood within the royal family.

Others insist they simply grew weary of sparring with the British tabloid press.

Still a third group insists the Sussexes are acting out of a desire to shield baby Archie from the pressures of royal life.

Whatever the case it seems one high-ranking royal encouraged Meghan and Harry to carry through with their plan when it was still in its early stages.

Camilla and Meghan

“She knew this was in the works and actually told Meghan to follow her heart and leave if she needed to,” a source tells Radar Online of Camilla Parker Bowles and her interactions with Meg.

“Charles hoped Camilla would be a calming influence, but he’s been blind to her scheming and stirring that’s been going behind his back,”

There’s little doubt that Camilla would have had occasion to offer her opinion on the matter of Harry and Meghan’s monunental decision.

But would she really go against her husband by advising the couple to step down?

And if so, why would she take such a massive risk?

Does she think stepping down is what’s best for the Meghan and Harry — or does she think it’s what’s best for the royal family?

Well, if you believe Radar’s source, Camilla is in full Game of Thrones mode, playing both sides against each other for her own benefit.

“Camilla secretly revels in all this drama,” the insider says.

“And she’s brilliant at playing all sides, like a conniving politician.”

In all likelihood, Meghan and Harry made up their minds long before they consulted Camilla on the matter.

But it seems that as a fellow outsider, Camilla’s opinion is of great value to Meghan — a fact Charles’ wife was no doubt aware of when she offered her two cents.

“Meghan looks up to her as do Charles and The Queen,” says the source.

We may never know exactly why Camilla encouraged the Sussexes to step down — or even is such a conversation ever actually took place — but it seems there’s no doubt as to Parker Bowle’s agenda these days.

Knowing she’s just a heartbeat away from sitting next to Charles on the throne, Camilla wants to maintain the status quo and keep the royal family intact.

“She’s basically just been biding her time and keeping everyone close until she’s sitting on the throne herself,” the insider says.

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