
Charmed (2018) Season 2 Episode 9 Review: Guess Who’s Coming to SafeSpace Seattle

After a long hiatus, the Charmed Ones are finally back in action!

On Charmed (2018) Season 2 Episode 9, Maggie and Mel adjust to life with having powers again, while Macy uses her womanly charm to do her part to protect her family. 

After weeks of being powerless, it was nice to watch Mel and Maggie growing into their new powers.

I love that Mel’s powers are not only back and better than ever, but they have evolved. In addition to freezing things, she can now speed up molecules to heat things up. 

Maggie’s new ability to see the future when she touches personal items is incredibly reminiscent of Phoebe’s ability to do the same in the OG series.

There’s no real explanation as to why Macy doesn’t have her powers back yet like her sisters, but I predict that it has something to do with the feelings she’s suppressing for Dark Harry.

Harry: I’m sorry we interrupted your date.
Macy: It wasn’t a date.

Love is the essence of what makes someone human, and Macy won’t be able to tap into her human powers if she doesn’t fully embrace her human side. 

The writers did a great job of integrating emotion, developing the characters, and slowing down the storyline.

There were lots of touching moments, exchanges, and conversations.

The surprise return of Maggie and Mel’s father Ray was a welcomed surprise.

Watching the way he interacted with Maggie explains Maggie’s erratic behavior when it comes to her father. 

Although Ray is not perfect, you can tell he really loves his girls. 

Divorce is complicated, and parents don’t always do the best job of navigating raising children in the midst of a tumultuous separation.

I love the way Maggie opened up to him about the hurt she felt when he left. So many children grow up without their fathers and could probably relate to her anger and resentment.

I couldn’t help but wonder if Ray knows that Maggie is not his biological child. 

Given that their mother didn’t tell him that she and girls were witches, she probably kept lots of secrets from them.

I do remember. Looking at the stars with you. It’s one of my favorite memories. It hurt so bad when you left.


The girls did the right thing by telling their dad they were witches. It will be nice for them to have Ray back in their lives.

He has a second chance at having a relationship with his daughters.

I was surprised that Ray was not more shocked to find out that magic is real. Being married to a witch, there’s probably a small part of him that always knew it existed.

It will also be interesting to see whether being around Ray will bring up Macy’s insecurity about not having parents growing up. 

At some point, Macy will have to face her past the way Maggie faced hers this episode. 

In the meantime, Macy has her hands full with Harry. 

As much as I love Harry, I have to admit that Macy and the new SafeSpace investor Jordan had great chemistry.

After Harry’s disturbing makeout session with Abigael last episode, I was happy to see that Macy allowed herself to flirt with Julian, although she wouldn’t admit it was a date.

Julian and Macy were able to connect on both an emotional and intellectual level. 

Macy loved being a scientist, and it’s been a long time since has been able to talk to anyone about science.

It was also amazing that Julian didn’t have to drink the influence potion to agree with Macy that he was moving forward with his excavation project too soon. 

He respected her opinion enough to listen to her and take her seriously. 

Macy needs a man that can challenge her. That’s why was so attracted to Dark Harry.

If Julian does not come back to SafeSpace, hopefully, his presence was at least enough to remind Macy how amazing she is, and remind Harry that Macy has options.

Harry: You’re going to drinks?
Macy: Dinner, actually.

Macy is too smart and too beautiful to wait around for any man.

Like Macy’s, Maggie’s love situation is also still complicated.

It’s clear that Jordan likes her more than a friend.

After meeting her crazy-ex Parker, he has become even more obsessed with her.

You would think that having a crazy ex would scare him, or make him question her decision making, but like many men, for some reason, it intrigued him.

Poor Jordan has no idea what he’s getting into. 

Maggie Vera. You’re Dead.


I loved that he was able to find her on social media. Millennials are professional internet stalkers, so it gave the storyline a realistic twist.

Jordan is extremely smart, and he already knows too much.

Maggie is going to have no choice but to tell him the truth about her powers, and it will probably take him a long time to get over the fact that she’s been lying to him 

The verdict is still out on what Dark Harry is up to, and how his return will impact Macy. 

She couldn’t even bare to go with her sisters to seek him out after Maggie’s vision. 

I can’t wait to see what happens next week!

Will Parker return, or will Maggie and Jordan give one another a chance?

Will Macy’s powers evolve the way her sisters’ powers have?

As always, I want to know what you thought of this week’s episode! Did you love it as much as I did?

Drop a comment below and let me know what you think.

If you didn’t catch this week’s episode, you can always watch Charmed (2018) online!

Charmed airs Friday’s on the CW.

Kiara Imani is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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