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Postnatal Depression: How To Spot The Signs

For years, postnatal depression was a term reserved for hushed whispers or discussed in hindsight, many years later. Many women will still be carrying it with them, as their own secret, such is the pressure placed on new mums by society to love their new little bundle of joy and be grateful for these early days where sleeping becomes a distant memory and our hormones pump haphazardly round our body at often dizzying speed. With this pressure comes, sadly, a sort of shame for lots of postnatal women as they battle with their thoughts and emotions alone, unaware of the millions of others who are going through the exact same thing. Perhaps they aren’t even aware that they are suffering from postnatal depression at all, so little has it been talked about in wider society, that many aren’t aware of the symptoms. And it’s all too easy for friends and family, equally in the dark about how to spot it, to label it the ‘baby blues’ (different to postnatal depression in the sense that you tend to recover more quickly from baby blues and its impact is no where near as severe when it comes to a woman’s ability to return to normal function or bond with her body). 

And it’s probably more common than you think, with recent stats showing that one in seven women struggle with postnatal depression, with many more going undiagnosed because of conflict in privacy and not wanting to disclose to close family members. It can affect women of any age, culture, or socio-economic background, and it can occur after the birth of any child, not just the first.

Thankfully, and in part thanks to apps like TikTok, postnatal depression and its true impact on women is being talked about more. So, in a bid to help more women feel supported during this vulnerable period, dispel common misconceptions and ensure as many of us as possible are clued up on the signs of postnatal depression (whether it’s related to you or a loved one), we spoke to neonatal nurse, baby sleep consultant and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Jilly Blankenship.

Here’s everything you need to know about postnatal depression, how to spot the signs and, crucially, how to get help. 

How long can postnatal depression last and what causes it?
Postnatal depression can last for several months or even up to a year or more if left untreated. It is believed to be caused by a combination of physical, emotional, and environmental factors, including hormonal changes, lack of sleep, stress, isolation, history of depression or anxiety, and lack of social support.

What are some of the most dangerous misconceptions around postnatal depression?
There’s plenty of misconceptions about postnatal depression that can be dangerous and prevent women from seeking help. One thing I see a lot nowadays is people almost self diagnosing themselves on TikTok which is super dangerous. 

Misconceptions Include:

  1. Believing that it’s just “baby blues” or a normal part of motherhood that will go away on its own
  2. Thinking that it only happens to women who don’t love their babies or who are “weak”
  3. Believing that seeking help means that you’re a bad mother or that your baby will be taken away from you

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