Style/ Beauty

Want to know *exactly* what’s in your skincare? This under-£14 Gen Z skincare line is about to go big

Byoma is the new skincare kid on the block. But this is not just your normal regular, ‘degular’, ‘schmegular’ skincare brand with cute packaging, greenwashing their way into your beauty cupboard. This brand’s USP is that they’re all about bringing your skin barrier back on track, and knowing exactly what you’re putting on it.

If you’ve ever wondered why you’d need oleic acid (?), cholesterol (??) or sodium chloride (???) in your skincare, or what exact role these super scientific ingredients play in your favourite formulas, well, this brand will tell you – no fluff, no faff. It literally does what it says on the bottle. 

Products have ingredients and their main functions printed on the side (and in detail on the website), alongside the recycling instructions. Those crazy-sounding ingredients mentioned before? Both oleic acid and cholesterol are used as skin conditioners, and sodium chloride to control viscosity. Who knew?

Despite only just launching on Cult Beauty, some of the hero products have already sold out… twice. Founder, Marc Elrick (who also founded Tan-Luxe), tells GLAMOUR: “When people think about BYOMA, I want people to think of us as a brand that’s accessible, affordable, and approachable. Accessible in the way we educate, affordable in our pricing, and approachable for every single skincare user.”

Rikky Fernandes

As far as aesthetics go, we can already tell that this brand will have Gen-Z on a chokehold. The pastel-hued packaging and cubic shapes (which the brand consciously wanted to reduce transport carbon emissions) are really giving. 

As for the science itself, Byoma’s on a mission to tackle the misinformation rife on social media that’s leading to broken skin barriers (which FYI is mainly due to over-exfoliation). “This misinformation popularised on apps such as TikTok, was creating a vicious cycle and making things worse, not better,” explains Marc. “We had a realisation that everyone’s skin barrier is comprised of the same key lipids – the same brick, and mortar structure – which actually degenerates over time. So everyone can benefit from the inclusion of additional ceramides and other essential lipids into their skincare regime.”

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