
Georgia Maq Shares Video for New Song “Joe Rogan”: Watch

Georgia Maq Shares Video for New Song “Joe Rogan”: Watch

The Camp Cope singer’s second solo single this year

Georgia Maq

Georgia Maq (Photo by Jo Duck)

Georgia Maq has shared a video for her new song “Joe Rogan.” It’s the Camp Cope singer’s second solo single this year, following “Someone Stranger”(ft. Alice Ivy). Check out the Tori Styles-produced video below.

In a statement, Maq said of the song:

“I made this song alone in my house. It’s a burn on myself because of my historically bad taste. It’s a song about leaving a bad date because you realised you don’t have to sit around while some guy defends joe rogan and smokes a gatorade bong, it’s about a very… unique experience that isn’t actually that unique—I think it’s relatable.”

Maq’s debut solo LP Pleaser came out in 2019. Last month, Camp Cope shared a new song called “Blue.” Their last LP was 2018’s How to Socialise & Make Friends.

Read Pitchfork’s “Rising” feature “Camp Cope Make Raw, Feminist Rock for the #MeToo Era.”


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