Back in 2016, Fede Alvarez unleashed the tense home invasion film Don’t Breathe, centered on a group of friends who break into the home of the “Blind Man” (Stephen Lang), who seems to be an easy mark but turns out to be anything but. Lang’s character is actually an army veteran, and his driving force in life is to replace the daughter that was taken from him.
Cue tense home invasion sequences. Cue turkey baster.
After scaring up over $150 million worldwide back in 2016, the franchise is back with Don’t Breathe 2, this time directed by Evil Dead and Don’t Breathe co-writer Rodo Sayagues.
Stephen Lang is back as the “Blind Man,” who survived the events of the 2016 movie, and Don’t Breathe 2 is currently scheduled for theatrical release on August 13, 2021.
In Don’t Breathe 2, the Blind Man has been hiding out for years in an isolated cabin and has taken in and raised a young girl orphaned from a house fire.
Their quiet existence is shattered when a group of kidnappers show up and take the girl, forcing the Blind Man to leave his safe haven to save her.
The trailer begins with a young girl running from a dog and ultimately being captured by the Blind Man, but it turns out to be a training exercise. The girl is the Blind Man’s new daughter figure, and it’s not long before his home is being invaded once again. This time around, it would seem the invaders are looking for the girl, presumably kidnapped by Lang’s character.
“It’s not me you need to be scared of, little girl. But the man standing next to you,” one of the invaders says in the trailer. Of course, they *all* need to be scared of the Blind Man…
It looks like the back half of Don’t Breathe 2 will hit the road and leave the claustrophobic setting of a home entirely, with the Blind Man this time being positioned as the main character of the tale. It’s an interesting approach, aiming to turn Lang’s character into something of a horror icon. Keep in mind, the icons from the past weren’t exactly the good guys either.
Watch the sequel’s official trailer below.