Chrissy Teigen and John Legend had an adorable date night at Vanity Fair‘s Oscars afterparty on Sunday, and naturally, they were dressed to the nines. While Chrissy stunned in a seafoam gown, John sported a spiffy tuxedo. They totally owned the red carpet with their sweet PDA as they snuggled up and shared a kiss. Their night out came shortly after John celebrated his first “daddy-son lunch date” with his 1-year-old mini me, Miles. Maybe we’ll get a Miles and Luna appearance at next year’s Oscars? Something tells us they’d be a hoot at the afterparty. For now, look ahead to see all the gorgeous photos of Chrissy and John being a power duo!
Chrissy Teigen and John Legend Show Sweet PDA at Vanity Fair’s Glamorous Oscars Afterparty
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